Rotorcraft Instruction

Discovery Flight

Starting your journey in aviation can be a daunting task, but we are here to help! It all starts with a discovery flight. The discovery flight is an introduction to aviation that exposes the new pilot to the basics of flight and the joy of flying. After meeting your flight instructor, you will spend a little time in our classroom learning about the helicopter you are about to fly. After that, it is time to get in the pilot’s seat and fly a helicopter!

Choosing Your Path

Private Pilot

Obtaining a Private Pilot Certificate will allow you to legally rent aircraft, fly with friends and family, and share your passion of aviation with others. Your Private Pilot Certificate is the first step in becoming a Commercial Pilot.

Commercial Pilot

A Commercial Pilot Certificate enables you to pilot an aircraft for hire. Whether you choose to one day fly tours, fly for law enforcement, conduct firefighting operations, or fly an air ambulance, these careers require a Commercial Pilot Certificate.

Estimated Program Costs

Private Pilot Certificate

This pricing is approximate based on the FAA minimum requirements per FAR 61.109 for a Private Pilot Single Engine Certificate:

  • 30 hours dual Robinson R22 @ $360/hr – $10,800
  • 10 hour solo, Robinson R22 @ $290/hr – $2850
  • 30 hours ground instruction @ $75/hr – $2250
  • Written exam + books – $500
  • Examiner Fee + Checkride – $1000

Total – $17,400

Instrument Rating

This pricing is approximate based on the FAA minimum requirements per FAR 61.65 for an Instrument Rating:

  • 40 hours dual, Robinson R44 @ $605/hr – $24,200
  • 20 hours ground instruction @ $75/hr – $1500
  • Examiner Fee + Checkride – $1000

Total – $26,700

Commercial Rating

This pricing is an approximate based on the FAA minimum requirements per FAR 61.129 for a Commercial Ratings:

  • 50 hours dual Robinson R22 @ $360/hr – $18,000
  • 60 hours solo, Robinson R22 @ $285/hr – $$17,100
  • 30 hours ground instruction @ $75/hr – $2250
  • Written exam + books – $500
  • Examiner Fee + Checkride – $1000

Total – $ 38,850

Certified Flight Instructor – CFI

This pricing is approximate based on the FAA minimum requirements per FAR 61.185 for a Certified Flight Instructor Certificate:

  • 20 hours dual, Robinson R22 @ $360/hr – $7200
  • 25 hours ground instruction @ $75/hr – $1875
  • Examiner Fee + Checkride – $1000

Total – $10,075

Pricing is approximate, based on the FAA minimum requirements per FAR.